Main Windows

PixelOver main window is composed of a menu bar at top, a home page and project pages.


Home page


1. Recents

Through the home page you have access to recent files and folders. You can click on favorite button to keep the file in the list. Multiple files can be selected with shift or ctrl, reordered with drag’n’drop and opened with double click or right click.

Project page

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1. Scene and Z Order tree

Scene tree displays hierarchy of elements present on the scene.

Z Order tree displays them depending of their hierarchy and Z layer. Elements with higher Z layer will be displayed on top then the display follows the hierarchy.

More information on Scene

2. Selected object properties

Detailed information on Objects

3. Tools

Detailed information on Tools

4. Layer shader and settings

Layer shader contains effects properties of the current layer. More information on Shader

Custom settings for this specific project. (ex: Background color, grid size, …)

5. Animation

Key animation panels. Hidden by default, you should click on animation tab to display it. Detailed information on Animation