
Key animation system. Animation can be added and managed in bottom panel.


  1. Main bar
  2. Objects tracks
  3. Timeline and cursor
  4. Keys
  5. Selected properties

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1. Main bar

Create and manage several animations with left buttons.

Play/pause, change animation current position, length and loop with middle buttons.

Change FPS and animation speed with right buttons.

2. Objects tracks

Tracks can be disabled, copied/pasted.

Filter button displays only tracks of selected objects in the scene.

New track can be added with add button. Multi objects can be selected and multi inputs.

New track can also be created by clicking on key icon next to animable inputs.

3. Timeline and cursor

Left click to move the cursor on the timeline, cursor time can be snapped with specific step by toggled snap button. Scroll on timeline to zoom.

Timeline can be displayed in seconds or frames.

4. Keys

New keys can be added with double click or right click on track with add key. Or keys are automatically created on current tracks if rec key button is toggled and input value change.

Keys can be multi selected and duplicated.

5. Selected properties

Display selected track properties and key properties.

For tracks, step defines minimum step of the value (ex with step 0.1, 50.06 will be 50.1), wrap will interpolate values between last and first key, modulo will bound the value between 0 and the modulo (ex for modulo 360, 410 will be 50).

For keys, time, value and easing function can be modified.